Thursday, February 22, 2007

Magic The Gathering

If I hadn't spent the finer days of my youth playing Magic cards, the following would have never happened:

1. I would have never learned the meaning of the word errant, which has become one of my favorite 'obscure' words as of late.

2. My knowledge of mythical beasts such as the Leviathan or Kraken would be limited only to the made for TV version of Moby Dick starring Patrick Stewart.

3. I would have taken up reading sooner, as most of my longer car rides with my family were spent playing Magic cards in the back seat of whatever Honda my mom owned at the time, cursing her as she whipped around the corner, leaving both of our decks in one homogeneous nerdmess (Thank god I usually played only red and black, and my brother only green and blue!).

4. I would have never accidentally learned my first obscure dirty word(NWS!!!).

5. I would have never spent last night longingly wishing for my endless decks of capri-sun stained cards that I sold to my cousin for $30 when I was 13.

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