Monday, March 05, 2007

Things I ALSO Hate

I just read this post on the Muttpop Blog, and I agreed with the sentiment enough to steal the whole damn thing.

When a "subculture" is going mainstream, there's always people taking that culture to make crap out of it. I expected that with the beautiful Lucha Libre culture. Soon, we'll see Santo or Blue Demon in a commercial for T-Mobile or Carls Junior. What I saw this weekend is way beyond my wildest expectation. As a Belgian citizen, I've always deeply hated Belgian theater, it's made by a bunch of pretentious talentless lowlife motherfuckers who couldn't even survive without government allowance. Take a look here and hate them as much as I do.

Also, I know it's now a common cultural point now, but I'm sick of showing people my tattoo and when I explain it, they say, "Oh, so it's like nacho libre?" I know I'm driving the whambulence right now but I think artists should respect other art forms, whether or not they recognize them as such.

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