Monday, January 22, 2007

The Chap Magazine

I found out about this zine a few years ago when I was taken aback by an image of a luchador in a fancy hat smoking a pipe. I have yet to find another copy of that image, but I have checked back now and then at their website to see how things are going. Despite having some of the worst cover designs I've ever seen, I still think these wily brits have quite an entertaining niche carved for themselves. As uncouth as I may be, I salute them.

An interesting snippet:

The Chap proposes to take a stand against this culture of vulgarity. By turning ancient rituals of courtesy and dress into revolutionary acts, the immaculately attired Anarcho-Dandyist can use the razor-sharp crease in his trousers to press home his advantage. Once presented with the dazzling sight of rakishly angled trilbies, gleaming brogues and exquisitely mixed dry martinis, hoi polloi's long-cherished nylon sportswear and strawberry milkshakes will suddenly lose their appeal.

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