Sunday, April 01, 2007

El Hijo De Santo Vs. Pollution


As if lucha libre could be any more over the top and incredible, el Hijo De Santo has recently began a campaign to battle pollution in and around the waters of Tiajuana. Part of the campaign will involve him fighting pollution themed luchadors including one named "Sewage Man." Yes, yes, and yes again.

Read more Here.

P.S. Thanks to Mike Tommyrot for posting this on the 315 Board


Mike Dikk said...

Hey there bro dog. I wanted to pass this picutre of Blue Demon and his family onto you. So awesome...

Also, board is doing a march madness style tournament with Lucha matches, so there's hella stuff to download. Just go to the lucha folder. If it doesn't automatically show up, you may have to sign up. I don't know.

Mike Dikk said...

Stupid Blogger cutting off the entire URL! Just add a "/bluedemon.jpg" after "unfoldupable"